Great Product and Customer Support

My wife and I have been happy owners of a Yak-a-Launcher for nearly 10 years and have found this product to be an indispensable tool for kayaking on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. The product was delivered in a very timely manner in a robust shipping box, and the launcher was easy to assemble and tie down to our dock. Early on, we encountered a wildlife issue where muscrat chewed on vulnerable components on the launcher, and Al Privette quickly designed, fabricated, and shipped new hardware that has proven to be impervious to the local wildlife ever since. More recently, Al expediently provided additional upgraded launcher components that we had requested. We appreciate the product quality, customer support, and professionalism that we’ve encountered since first inquiring about the Yak-a-Launcher a decade ago and would recommend the launcher and the company to anyone looking for safe, comfortable, and easy access to their kayaks.